Convert a NEXRAD polar volume file to an ODIM polar volume file

nexrad_to_odim(pvolfile_nexrad, pvolfile_odim, verbose = FALSE)



Character (vector). Either a path to a single radar polar volume (pvol) file containing multiple scans/sweeps, or multiple paths to scan files containing a single scan/sweep. Or a single pvol object. The file data format should be either 1) ODIM format, which is the implementation of the OPERA data information model in the HDF5 format, 2) a format supported by the RSL library or 3) Vaisala IRIS (IRIS RAW) format.


Filename for the polar volume in ODIM HDF5 format to be generated.


Logical. When TRUE, vol2bird stdout is piped to the R console.


TRUE on success


# \donttest{
# download a NEXRAD file, save as KBGM_example
path = file.path(tempdir(), "KBGM_example")

  "2019/10/01/KBGM/KBGM20191001_000542_V06"), path, method="libcurl", mode="wb")

# convert to ODIM format

new_path = file.path(tempdir(), "KBGM_example.h5")

nexrad_to_odim(path, new_path)
#> Filename = /tmp/Rtmp9Bjwje/KBGM_example, callid = KBGM
#> Reading RSL polar volume with nominal time 20191001-000542, source: RAD:KBGM,PLC:BINGHAMTON,state:NY,radar_name:KBGM

# verify that we have generated a polar volume in ODIM HDF5 format
#> [1] "PVOL"

# clean up
file.remove(path, new_path)
#> [1] TRUE TRUE
# }