Plots a scan (scan) in polar coordinates. To plot in Cartesian coordinates, see project_as_ppi().

# S3 method for class 'scan'
  xlim = c(0, 1e+05),
  ylim = c(0, 360),
  zlim = c(-20, 20),
  na.value = "transparent",



A scan object.


Character. Scan parameter to plot, e.g. DBZH or VRADH. See summary.param() for commonly available parameters.


Numeric vector of length 2. Range of x values (range, distance to radar) to plot.


Numeric vector of length 2. Range of y values (azimuth) to plot.


Numeric vector of length 2. The range of parameter values to plot. Defaults to parameter specific limits for plotting, not full range of data.


Character. ggplot2::ggplot() parameter to set the color of NA values.


Arguments passed to ggplot2::ggplot().


No return value, side effect is a plot.


Available scan parameters for plotting can by printed to screen by summary(x). Commonly available parameters are:

  • DBZH, DBZ: (Logged) reflectivity factor (dBZ)

  • TH, T: (Logged) uncorrected reflectivity factor (dBZ)

  • VRADH, VRAD: Radial velocity (m/s). Radial velocities towards the radar are negative, while radial velocities away from the radar are positive

  • RHOHV: Correlation coefficient (unitless). Correlation between vertically polarized and horizontally polarized reflectivity factor

  • PHIDP: Differential phase (degrees)

  • ZDR: (Logged) differential reflectivity (dB) The scan parameters are named according to the OPERA data information model (ODIM), see Table 16 in the ODIM specification.


# Plot reflectivity
plot(example_scan, param = "DBZH")

# \donttest{
# Change the range of reflectivities to plot, from -10 to 10 dBZ
plot(example_scan, param = "DBZH", zlim = c(-10, 10))

# Change the scale name, change the color palette to Viridis colors
plot(example_scan, param = "DBZH", zlim = c(-10, 10)) +
  viridis::scale_fill_viridis(name = "dBZ")
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.

# }