Plot an object of class vpi.

# S3 method for vpi
  quantity = "mtr",
  xlab = "time",
  ylab = "migration traffic rate [#/km/h]",
  main = "MTR",
  night_shade = TRUE,
  elev = -0.268,
  lat = NULL,
  lon = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  nightshade = TRUE,



1 class object inheriting from class vpi, typically a call to integrate_profile.


Character string with the quantity to plot, one of

  • vid (vertically integrated density),

  • vir (vertically integrated reflectivity),

  • mtr (migration traffic rate),

  • rtr (reflectivity traffic rate),

  • mt ((cumulative) migration traffic),

  • rt ((cumulative) reflectivity traffic),

  • ff (height-averaged ground speed)

  • dd (height-averaged direction)

  • u (height-averaged u-component of ground speed),

  • v (height-averaged v-component of ground speed).


A title for the x-axis.


A title for the y-axis.


A title for the plot.


Logical, whether to plot night time shading.


Numeric, sun elevation to use for day/night transition, see sunrise.


(optional) Latitude in decimal degrees. Overrides the lat attribute of x.


(optional) Longitude in decimal degrees. Overrides the lon attribute of x.


y-axis plot range, numeric atomic vector of length 2.


Deprecated argument, use night_shade instead.


Additional arguments to be passed to the low level plot plotting function.


No return value, side effect is a plot.


The integrated profiles can be visualized in various related quantities, as specified by argument quantity:

  • vid: Vertically Integrated Density, i.e. the aerial surface density of individuals. This quantity is dependent on the assumed radar cross section per individual (RCS)

  • vir: Vertically Integrated Reflectivity. This quantity is independent of the value of individual's radar cross section

  • mtr: Migration Traffic Rate. This quantity is dependent on the assumed radar cross section (RCS)

  • rtr: Reflectivity Traffic Rate. This quantity is independent on the assumed radar cross section (RCS)

  • mt: Migration Traffic. This quantity is dependent on the assumed radar cross section (RCS)

  • rt: Reflectivity Traffic. This quantity is independent on the assumed radar cross section (RCS)

  • ff: Horizontal ground speed in m/s

  • dd: Horizontal ground speed direction in degrees

  • u: Ground speed component west to east in m/s

  • v: Ground speed component south to north in m/s

  • height: Mean flight height (height weighted by reflectivity eta) in m above sea level The height-averaged ground speed quantities (ff,dd,u,v) and height are weighted averages by reflectivity eta.


# vertically integrate a vpts object:
vpi <- integrate_profile(example_vpts)
# plot the migration traffic rates

# plot the vertically integrated densities, without night shading:
plot(vpi, quantity = "vid", night_shade = FALSE)