R base functions for inspecting a plan position indicator (ppi) object.

# S3 method for ppi
summary(object, ...)


# S3 method for ppi



A ppi object.


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


A ppi object.


For is.ppi(): TRUE for an object of class ppi, otherwise FALSE.

For dim.ppi(): number of parameters (param), x and y pixels in a plan position indicator (ppi).


A plan position indicator is a projection of radar data onto the earth's surface, generated from a single scan (scan) with project_as_ppi(), a polar volume (pvol) with integrate_to_ppi() or multiple plan position indicators (ppi) with composite_ppi(). A plan position indicator (ppi) object is a list containing:

  • radar: Radar identifier.

  • datetime: Nominal time of the volume to which the scan belongs in UTC.

  • data: A sp::SpatialGridDataFrame containing the georeferenced data. See summary.param() for commonly available parameters, such as DBZH.

  • geo: List of the scan's geographic properties (see the geo element in summary.scan()), with two additional properties:

    • bbox: Bounding box for the plan position indicator in decimal degrees.

    • merged: Logical. Flag to indicate if a plan position indicator is a composite of multiple scans. TRUE if generated with integrate_to_ppi() or composite_ppi().


# Project a scan as a ppi
ppi <- project_as_ppi(example_scan)

# Check if it is an object of class ppi
#> [1] TRUE

# Get summary info
ppi # Same as summary(ppi) or print(ppi)
#>                Plan position indicator (class ppi)
#>   parameters:  DBZH VRADH RHOHV ZDR PHIDP 
#>         dims:  201 x 201 pixels

# Get dimensions
#> [1]   5 201 201