2 Basic visualization of radar scans

2.1 The structure of polar volumes

# Let's first download the NEXRAD polar volume files for the KHGX radar (Houston)
# for a 15 minute period in 2017:
download_pvolfiles(date_min=as.POSIXct("2017-05-04 01:25:00"), date_max=as.POSIXct("2017-05-04 01:40:00"), radar="KHGX", directory="./data_pvol")
## Downloading data from noaa-nexrad-level2 for radar KHGX spanning over 1 days
## Downloading pvol for 2017/05/04/KHGX/
# store the filenames in my_pvolfiles
my_pvolfiles <- list.files("./data_pvol", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, pattern="KHGX")
# print to console our files:
# let's load the first of our downloaded files:
my_pvol <- read_pvolfile(my_pvolfiles[1])
# The default summary information of a `pvol` object contains information
# on the scans (sweeps) and their moments:
##                Polar volume (class pvol)
##      # scans:  14 
##        radar:  KHGX 
##       source:  RAD:KHGX,PLC:HOUSTON,state:TX,radar_name:KHGX 
## nominal time:  2017-05-04 01:28:44
# We can also extract the elevation angles from the polar volume as follows:
##  [1]  0.483395  0.878910  1.318360  1.801755  2.416995  3.120115  3.999025
##  [8]  5.097660  6.416020  7.998050 10.019530 12.480470 15.600585 19.511719

2.2 Plotting radar scans

# let's extract the scan collected at 1.5 degree elevation from our polar volume:
my_scan <- get_scan(my_pvol, 0.5)
# print some information about this scan:
##                   Polar scan (class scan)
##      parameters:  DBZH RHOHV WRADH PHIDP ZDR VRADH 
## elevation angle:  0.483395 deg
##            dims:  1201 bins x 720 rays
# let's plot the reflectivity factor parameter of the scan in a range - azimuth coordinate system:
plot(my_scan, param = "DBZH")
## The legacy packages maptools, rgdal, and rgeos, underpinning the sp package,
## which was just loaded, will retire in October 2023.
## Please refer to R-spatial evolution reports for details, especially
## https://r-spatial.org/r/2023/05/15/evolution4.html.
## It may be desirable to make the sf package available;
## package maintainers should consider adding sf to Suggests:.
## The sp package is now running under evolution status 2
##      (status 2 uses the sf package in place of rgdal)

Exercise 1: Plot the radial velocity parameters of the 1.5 degree elevation scan in a range - azimuth coordinate system. (See manual page of the read_pvolfile() function for the nomenclature of various available quantities).

# Plot the radial velocity (VRADH) quantity of the 1.5 degree elevation scan:
plot(get_scan(my_pvol, 1.5), param = "VRADH")

Usually it is easier to visually explore radar scans as a PPI (plan position indicator), which is a projection of the scan on a Cartesian (X,Y) or (lat,lon) grid:

# before we can plot the scan, we need to project it on a Cartesian grid,
# i.e. we need to make a Plan Position Indicator (PPI)
my_ppi <- project_as_ppi(my_scan)
# print some information about this ppi:
##                Plan position indicator (class ppi)
##         dims:  201 x 201 pixels
# you can see we projected it on a 500 meter grid
# (check the manual of the project_as_ppi function to see how you can
# change the grid size (argument grid_size) and the maximum distance
# from the radar up to where to plot data (argument range_max))
# Now we are ready to plot the ppi, for example let's plot reflectivity factor DBZH:
plot(my_ppi, param = "DBZH")

Exercise 2: This case shows an incoming precipitation front, characterized by localized but intense thunderstorms, as well as biological scattering. Make also a ppi plot of the correlation coefficient (RHOHV) and radial velocity (VRADH). Verify which regions are precipitation, and infer from those patterns the (approximate) direction of movement of biology and precipitation.

# Plot the correlation coefficient (RHOHV):
plot(my_ppi, param = "RHOHV")

# Plot the radial velocity (VRADH):
plot(my_ppi, param = "VRADH")

# Answer:
# * Precipitation areas are characterized by high correlation coefficients (typically > 0.95),
#   i.e. the top left corner of the image is precipitation
# * The blue radial velocity of the precipitation indicates it is moving towards the radar.
# * The radial velocity field of the biology shows areas south-west of the radar moving
#   towards the radar (blue), and areas north-east of the radar moving away from it (red).
#   The biology is therefore moving towards the north-east

Exercise 3: Based on the radial velocity image, are the biological scatterers birds or insects? Why?

# Answer:
# * Precipitation moves with the wind field. Since the biology moves into a different direction
#   than the wind and a very different speed, we can be sure these are birds.
#   The biological scatterers have a high self-propelled speed, which is
#   typical for birds, not for insects.
# * Note: This is an S-band radar. In C-band radars you will typically see that the texture
#   (spatial variability) of the radial velocity is considerably smoother in areas with
#   precipitation than in areas with biology.

2.3 Overlaying radar scans on maps

# It is often informative to plot radar data on a base layer.
# first download the background image:
basemap <- download_basemap(my_ppi)
## Downloading zoom = 10 ...
## ℹ Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.
# plot the basemap:

# then overlay the PPI on the basemap, restricting the color scale from -20 to 40 dBZ:
map(my_ppi, map = basemap, param = "DBZH", zlim = c(-20, 40))